Monday, September 9, 2013

Welcome to the JUNGle - a flop

Y'all, I tried four times to write this post and coincidental feats which surpass even my own understanding have prevented me from posting my thoughts on the Jung personality test.

Suffice it to say - I was classified as INFJ.

Google it under images and go have yourself a good laugh and then thank the Good Lord that you don't frequent anime (and if you do frequent anime, stop. For the love of humanity, stop.) and stop crying long enough to smell the roses that life sometimes does, indeed, pass your way. 

What a depressing bunch of folks that I've been told are just like me. 

As I said, I'm INFJ. My long snarky post was probably cut short because it was a long, snarky post. The redeeming quality of it, though, was my chapter-book explanation on why I'm not a misunderstood hero, contrary to what the deets to my profile would have you believe.


  1. You and Jessica are the same! She will not take kindly the idea that you're a depressing group of folk. In fact, I'm pretty sure it is people like you that change the world! I serve drinks while you do the heavy lifting.

    1. Oh, not everyone is, I'm sure. Just the meme creators. Those are some strange folk!
