Wednesday, July 24, 2013

five favorites (and day 3!)

1. Has anyone else tried these? They're amazing. I could probably eat the entire bag in one sitting but I have ions of self-control when it comes to food so I only eat about three quarters of the bag. Have I mentioned I've started exercising?

2. Tomato Cucumber Cilantro Feta Italian Dressing Salad. It's light, it's easy. I throw in some chicken roasted in cumin, garlic powder, and chili seasoning - bam. It's a healthyish lunch. About as healthy as it gets around here during these last few days before The Bar.

3. I believe this is self-explanatory. I can't get enough of this non-diet lemony-tart goodness. I crave it. all.the.time.

That's probably enough favorite foods - it's 8am, I haven't eaten, and you know where my mind goes when I'm hungry. 

4. Mint nail polish. I'm with every other stay-at-home mom out there and I love mint. I finagled the budget enough that I was able to trade eating a meal or two for a mint cardi (a staple for anyone's wardrobe), a mint necklace, and my mother blessed me a million times over with this nail polish because she caught a whiff of my mintiness when I went down for a visit a couple of weeks ago.  I know mint is going the way of the extinct species of chevron, but don't tell me when that happens. Though I hear whispers that purple is the color of fall and I'm okay with that since it's still at the top of my fave colors to wear.

5. These modest-is-coolest babies. I own three because they were 25% off and that means I can buy extras because I'm saving money, obv. I own this blue with mint (duh) color block, an all white one, and an all black one. I do wish there were more colors available. There's a cute orange one, but orange, you are dead to me after this HB2 debacle. You've been tainted beyond wearing for at least another season.  

This is scientifically proven to be the perfect shirt - long, high-necked, with sleeves. Pair with skinnies and Toms or sandals? You look pretty polished, even without jewelry. I usually pair it with a maxi, a layered necklace, and sandals. Little hands can pull on it - it's still modest! I throw a cardi over it before going into Holy Mass because I like the sleeves a little longer for the chapel, but even without a cardi, it's modest enough for wearing anywhere.  And when it's 256 degrees outside, those short sleeves are incredible.

Target, I'm looking at you to put out 3/4 sleeves in this shirt in the fall. 

6. A bonus since this blog is documenting our spiritual growth and nothing screams holiness more than an obsession with food and clothing. 

St. Raymond Nonnatus. Every self-respecting housewife with a penchant for good entertainment has heard of him from Call the Midwife. The midwives work out of the Nonnatus house. I just read yesterday that this saint is a real saint, though the order of nuns is fictionalized. 

St. Raymond was born via c-section and his mother died while giving birth. Nonnatus means "no birth" and he subsequently became the patron of expectant mothers and midwives.

I'm so happy to have stumbled upon this beautiful saint. He'll be on my speed dial from now on since I'm awful at bearing children and giving birth and I harbor a not-so-secret desire to be a midwife, even though I'm terrified of birthing babies out of the hospital myself. Do as I say, not as I do, my friends.

Join Grace for more five favorites!


  1. Whoa there?!? Chevron is out?!? Holy Heaven... this girl can't keep up. Maybe I'll jump the gun and get somethin' plummy for fall :)
    Meggie @

    1. I THINK! I like to read fashion blogs and a good number of them are proclaiming boredom with my beloved chevron. Just when I found a chevron maxi skirt, too! Maybe the maxi skirt powers that be will make a plum chevron one that I can pair with the perfect Target shirt and make my own proclamation that chevron is indeed still in and it's in purple. Even if exactly zero people fall for my fake trend, I'm still wearing plum and chevron so it'll all be worth it.

    2. And because I'm Mrs. Creepy McStalkerson, I went to your blog. Four boys!! How fun! And scary for this mother of girls! I'm going to enjoy reading about your adventures! Welcome to the world of girls on this blog. :)

  2. I love this! I actually had mint nails for a few days and loved them. But I hate chipped polish so I got rid of it. I bet you look so cute!
