Tuesday, July 23, 2013

day 2 of the blogging challenge

I feel like it's all I can do to get this post out.

This tired mama is thanking the Good Lord for eggs and fruit to feed hungry children on this hot summer day. And by fruit I mean fruit cocktail. The generic brand.

If I had my choice, this is what we'd be doing tonight (minus the hats - they mysteriously disappeared when the girls wanted to wear them to Holy Mass instead of their veils. Strangest thing.):

Because there is nothing better than wearing a cow hat while eating Chick-fil-A.

Same goes for this one, also known as Blue Steele.

Alas, the nearest Chick-Fil-A is at least forty minutes away and I stuck with eggs and processed fruit.

I'm also taking a poll. How much TV do your kiddos watch during the summer? When you live in the hottest level of hell: Texas (for the record, I love my state, I just also love air conditioning. It's genetic - I have pale skin.)? I thought I'd ask while in a good groove.

Admittedly, I go through periods where I'm overwhelmed and they watch too much. It'll make me look like a better parent if I ask right now. We're averaging about two episodes a day: one while I shower and one when I'm secretly packing up their room. On the days I don't have boxes to pack things up, we're still averaging two episodes.

This is only an average and I'm bad at math, so maybe it's actually eight episodes, I don't know. Some days are better, some are worse.

What does it look like in your house?

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