Friday, November 1, 2013

one of these is not like the others

Halloween, or All Hallow's Eve as we're trying to remember to say in our forgetful family, was last night. We braved the scary night at oh-5:30pm when the sun was still bright in the sky and we surprised still-dinnering families with a lively "Happy Halloween!" They gave us extra candy to get us off their doorsteps and we gave them practice for the evening so all-in-all, it was a good run. We were home and the kids were sugared up by the time the sun set and the creepers came out for the night.

Behold, on this Feast of All Saints, our Heavenly interns:

St. Joan of Arc and her trusty sidekick, oft forgotten by historians: Sparkle

St. Ewisabef is Hungry, commonly called St. Elizabeth of Hungary by ignorant masses

Every saintly queen needs a saintly knight only slightly larger than herself to stay safe.

If you look closely, you'll notice my scarf is sporting birds. Therefore, I dressed up as a Bird Lady, or St. Francis of Assisi's sister who is lesser known, but also had a strong devotion to God's small creatures. We'll call her...Frances of Assisi.

St. Elizabeth in search of a hungry soul to feed, namely herself; namely, with candy.

A lawyer, St. Joan, St. Elizabeth, Bird Lady - ten million fictional points to the person that guesses who isn't dressed up. 

Ding ding ding! You win nothing! Mr. B isn't dressed up. We found out, after we checked and rechecked (times 1 million times infinity) the Texas Bar website, that Mr. B passed his Bar Exam and is officially an attorney. All thanks and praise be to Our Lord and Our Lady who got us through a very tough time and gave Mr. B the grace to pass!

Mr B is due a whole lot of praise for his hard-work, dedication, long days, long evenings, and copious amounts of studying. He remained true to the Faith, loyal and loving to his family, and faithful to morals and Truth. We're so very proud of him. I know I couldn't have gone through this journey with anyone else by my side.

The three c's of motherhood (coffee, chocolate, and cocktails) deserve a shout-out, too, for helping me out with the kids while he was gone so much. Holla. 

Now - to hit up Heaven one more time for just oooone more simple dimple request of a job soon, like yesterday. Thankyouverymuch and we'll pray for your intentions in our Rosaries, as well.

Happy All Saints'! I'd post pictures of what we do, but there would only be snapshots of empty candy wrappers, slumbering faces, and staring off into space enjoying the lack of costume-making hovering in the near future. And I can't take pictures of my cute kids while looking like that. 


  1. Your captions are hilarious. Such cute saints!!

    Congratulations to Mr. B and you all!!

    1. Thanks so much! Your little hobbit and his pie were pretty adorable, too. I went and looked at that leaf clip for future costume reference.

      Blessings on your growing family!

  2. They look so cute! Good job on the costumes! (and I agree with Katrina... you are the caption queen! You could write jingles for a living.)

    And YAY Mr. B! I know he worked his behind off, but he was only able to because he knew you had things handled at home! Kudos to you both.

    (And oh my gosh - does anyone else remember Kudos bars? They were delicious.)
