Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Daybook for 3-27-13

Outside my window...

  • Still dark, at 7:20am. The moon woke me up at about 5am because it was so bright. My mind was convinced that it was closer to 7 and I couldn't go back to sleep. It was a beautiful moon and I really enjoy greeting the morning with my husband, some coffee, and quiet time with Our Lord (that lasted for like two minutes because the girls woke up soon after).
I am thankful for...
  • Passiontide and Holy Week. This has been a fruitful Lent and I pray that this last week of penance will help my soul grow into holiness and help prepare my soul for the joy that is coming on Sunday. The Triduum is my very favorite set of feasts during the year. 

  • Books. They get me through mundane days of chores. I reward myself for doing a chore with a chapter or ten or twenty.

  • This is redundant, but my husband. He truly is such a blessing. 
  • My sweet, innocent little girls. 

  • Recipes from the older ladies in Slaton. I have a nice little booklet of them and I flipped through yesterday and planned dishes for Easter from them. I love anything passed on from generation to generation and I feel like they shared a part of their family history with this young wife who has no claim to cooking fame.
  • Finding a gorgeous, affordable dress at Kohl's last night. And by that, I mean I met a friend up there while running errands in town to give her a ride back into Slaton and she had found it and then I copied her and bought it, too. We won't wear it at the same time (we have four dresses that are exactly the same [at least four, maybe more!], and have never matched....completely.)! We just both have a great sense of style!

I am thinking about...

  • On Passion Sunday (in the Tradtional Rite, please excuse my ignorance on the Novus Ordo on this), the Sunday before Palm Sunday, all holy images are veiled. I once heard in a sermon the following explanation of Church tradition:
    Beginning on Passion Sunday, images are veiled so the emotional side of seeking God is removed. We can no longer look at beautiful paintings or statues or crucifixes to lift our souls into prayer. We have to seek Him intellectually. On Holy Thursday, the Blessed Sacrament and Holy Water are removed from the church; we literally have to seek His Presence elsewhere. On Good Friday, The Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, is taken away and we are left with Good Friday liturgy (Mass of the Presanctified). On Holy Saturday, at Easter Vigil, even light is taken away. Our senses are forced into confusion and a little bit of fear (
    don't lie and act like it doesn't make you panic for a moment when the church goes completely black!....the priest did not say this, this is Melanie's commentary. He is much holier than I.). We are left with nothing, except hope, just like the disciples were 2000 years ago. 
    Isn't that beautiful? In our little family, we also fast from technology and light. Does that sound weird? We do our best to avoid internet use, kindles (uuuughhh), phones, radios, TV, and even electricity when we come home from Holy Thursday Mass and do our best to maintain it throughout the Triduum (obviously some has to be used!). Last year was the first time we did it and it was beautiful to enter into the holiest of days in such a way. This year, Joseph is traveling on Good Friday and Holy Saturday, so phones won't be counted into this.
***edited to remark that the technology fast did not happen this year. Next year! Next year!****
  • Joseph's big, big job interview on Holy Saturday. At first, I was indignant that he has one on such a holy day, but then I wanted to slap myself because what better day to have an important, much-prayed-for event to happen on? 

  • Also thinking about how I forgot, for the fourth week in a row, to get printer paper at Wal-Mart. This will affect my answer to the next question. 

In the Schoolroom...

Very, very organic learning. We have no paper on which to print out worksheets. 

From the kitchen...

Remember that attempt to go paleo? I didn't either.

I am creating...

  • Pretty outfits for three banquet-type events we have next week. April 3,6,9. Come on, people. I need to repeat outfits and I can't do that if they are only a few days apart each. And with the same people. Rest assured, I will be repeating for the hooding ceremony.

  • Invitations for my younger sister's (hi, Meg) bridal shower. And by I am, I mean Joseph is. But I will do wording and mailing. Consider myself praised. 

  • Announcements for Joseph's graduation. I joke that we don't know anyone. Until we put together a list of people we need to send announcements to and then I want to throw up at all the people we know.

I am working on...

  • Pretty outfits. Several fancy (but not too dressy!) ones that I need in the coming weeks. Accessories that will go with all of them so I don't have to buy too much. (I like clothes, what can I say?)

  • Wisdom, gentleness, charity, humility.  Always. That seems a lot more intimidating now that I type it out.
  • Diversifying my cooking. 

Clicking Around...

    Great sermon. Listen to it, most especially if you have children.

I am reading...

  • The Mother of the Little Flower about Blessed Zelie Martin. I love this little book and I think every mother should read it.

  • Just finished some books by Lynn Austin not even worth mentioning, so I'm currently in between novels. 

I am praying for...

  • Still, our new papa.

  • A job, particularly a job with the firm Joseph is interviewing with this week (no particular reason other than he's interviewing with it)

  • Some special, quiet intentions. Any sacrifices or prayers offered up for them, as well, would be much appreciated. 

I am hearing...

Story Keeper's in the background. My mantra this week is, if the kids have to watch TV, make it Biblical at least. 

Around the house...

  • Cleaning and preparing for our Easter guests. Obviously not too much since I'm doing this. I finally caught up with ironing and laundry from our bought with stomach bugs! Back patted.

  • That herb garden I mentioned? The cilantro was too far gone for me to save, apparently. We're down to mint, chives, and swiss chard. And aloe vera! Did I mention that? We've even used it already! Molly fell off our porch and scraped her face pretty badly. After a few applications of aloe straight from the plant, it's GONE. 

One of my favorite things...

  • A cup of coffee in a quiet house early in the morning. 
  • Preparing for my little girl's FIFTH birthday. I've been searching for a good gift for her. Any suggestions, moms out there? I love birthdays (or holidays, or half-holidays, or special feast days!) and that love has been passed down to her (a frequent question in our house is, "Mommy, what feast day is it?"). She's such a joy and a help and I want to celebrate her beautiful life so that she remembers it.
  • Ellie's "Darling" shirt. I'll write a post about that soon.

A few plans for the rest of the week...

  • Triduum and all that goes with it. 
  • Easter! A brother-in-law and his wife (that feels cold and could I better explain this?) getting their marriage blessed and recognized by The Church. The same wife (I can call her a sister-in-law now!) coming into The Church. 
  • A job interview!

A picture thought...

This was the first year we've veiled the holy images in our home. The girls got really excited and Molly even made crucifixes out of construction paper so we could veil more images. Unfortunately, I'd run out of purple fabric. I'm glad for the excuse because I think she would have made about 1000 more holy images. 

The veiling was truly, a blessing for our family. We've placed these images around our home as an external reminder of what our interior should be focused on. I've been particular about where I place certain holy cards or little statues, knowing that they are "hot spots" for frustration or anger (washing dishes, our school area, our living room). Being able to quickly glance at an image of Our Lady holding the Baby Jesus was more calming than I realized. Veiling these images truly did take away an emotional seeking of God and left me seeking Him more in prayer than a quick glance at an image. 

Passiontide, you've been good for me.

*Yes, I know they are cut haphazardly and aren't ironed. It's all in the name of humility or laziness. You pick.*

1 comment:

  1. This was a long one! I love it. You won't even see this comment before I see you in person, but I'll write it anyway.

    I love the image of our "senses being forced into confusion and even a little bit of fear" at the Easter vigil. Beautifully said. I am so glad you've had a fruitful Lenten season and look forward to celebrating Easter with you!
