Tuesday, January 8, 2013

late in coming - Elisabeth is three!

I remembered my blog today and went to visit it. I found this beautiful reminder of who Ellie is at this age that I meant to post on her birthday. I want to make sure that I remember each little treasure that makes up our girls and this seems the most convenient for me (although I obviously forget about it all the time!). 

My sweet, Elisabeth Grace. Spending the last three years getting to know you has been one of the greatest joys of our lives. We can't imagine what life would be like without your sweet smile, your pirate face, your hair pets, and your little chubby arms around us in hugs.

You've grown from a spunky little infant, into a curious, mischievous toddler, into a bright, loving, still spunky pre-schooler. I can't believe it. You're a pre-schooler!

You're a joy to be around. From the moment you wake up in the mornings, you're just ready to go, go, go. You sometimes wake up whiney but as soon as you get food in your tummy, you're in a great mood. You love your food and want to snack all day long! You love sweets, fruit, crackers...anything! Except Asian food (which you call Agent food). We've tried to sneak it past you, but you just don't like it.

You are a collector. You squirrel away things just in case you need them at some point again. You have a backpack, a sparkly pink purse, a Spec's brown bag, a Mike's Hard Lemonade box, and probably other little hiding places that we don't know about. Your treasures are just that - little things that only you would treasure! You have stamps, little books, leaves, crayons, special Little People, special little stuffed animals, binoculars, little drawings. We love it (as frustrating as it gets, sometimes!). And you know when something is missing which tells us you really do love these little treasures! For Christmas, though you don't know it, you're getting a wooden box with your name on it to keep all your special things in. It's probably a little more apropos than a Spec's bag. ;)

Your favorite stuffed friends are: Jag (a black kitty named after Nonnie's black kitten) and Snoop-Bear. You have funny little voices for each. Jag speaks with a meow in each word ("yes, mewom" instead of "yes, ma'am); Snoop speaks with a lisp. You have a few little critters that are named Tyrone after the Backyardigan, but those come and go in regard to treasuring them. You also have the Babies Dolphin - two little bath toy dolphins - one blue, one purple - that your are pretty attached to. We have back-up after back-up because they're tiny and lost easily! You also have a bunny blanket that you can't sleep without!

The funniest treasure you have is a little book. You call it your special book. It's a Little Office Of The Blessed Virgin. You sleep with it, even, and cry when you can't find your book.

You love to play pirates, cowgirl, mystery-solving, Calico Critters, and family. When you play Calico Critters, you always play the baby boy. When you play family, you always play Mommy or Aunt Jessica.

You're very territorial and competitive, but you have a heart of gold. If someone looks sad because she doesn't have a toy or someone is losing a game, you always make sure that person is taken care of. You always walk holding Mommy's hand because you don't want me by myself.

You like to poke your bellybutton and laugh uproariously because Molly and Mommy find it disgusting. You're such a tomboy! You fear nothing. You walk on small ledges, jump from high places, and run without concern. Molly is always reminding you something is dangerous. At the same time, you have a love of delicate things. You love pretty books (which is why we think you like your Special Book), pretty flowers, pretty jewelry, pretty dresses. You ask me if your hair looks pretty a few times a day, twirl in skirts, and love the color pink.

You love sleeping in a tent and you're very anal about it being shut very tightly. Your tent is actually a sheet draped over the side of your bunk bed, though, so it makes it really hard to please you!

Your favorite shows are Backyardigans, The Busy World of Richard Scary, Dora, and Diego. Your favorite song is "Roll Away Your Stone" by Mumford and Sons. Your favorite color is pink. Your favorite book is a Backyardigans Jingle Bells book. You like to say "I told you" which actually sounds like, "I toldja!" You sleep very well though the night, have been potty trained for a very long time, and weaned yourself of your sippy at bed time.

You learn by touching. You have about this big world of ours by doing. Throwing, jumping, touching, running...it's how you learn best; it's so very different than your big sister and honestly, a little hard to grow accustomed to! I'm not used to a little girl running into the room I'm in, throwing a ball and saying, "Didja see dat, Mama!? Dat was COOL! Look how far it went!" We're both learning, little love.

You love to cuddle. We cherish how you lie with one of us and put your chubby arms around our neck and pet our face. You have a sweet little girl smile when you do this and you ask, "does this feel lovely?"

You love your godparents fiercely and get a little territorial about them around your sister and cousin. You love your sister and your Mommy and Daddy more than I think I even know.

You are the joy of my life. You make me laugh so many times everyday. When Daddy and I are in bed and talking about our day, we always end up in stitches over a funny thing you said or did. You're hard to discipline because of how much you make us laugh.

It is so fun to watch you grow up. I've seen you fight through your probably miscarriage and your heart defect and you've never lost that spunk. You're strong and smart (as you like to say!), funny and charismatic, kind and loyal and loving, full of imagination and spunk.

We love you, little girl. May you grow to be as holy as your namesakes.

1 comment:

  1. She is going to treasure this post as much as her little book! Priceless.
