Thursday, June 14, 2012


It's easier to keep up with us via a blog than any other means of communication. Fie you, technology of ease. Don't you know we're old-fashioned? 

And because Mr. B works in the legal arena, I thought a private blog was best. Sorry for the annoying request to prove your personhood with mundane math problems or the spelling of ridiculous non-words. We're a pro-life family and believe that you are fully a person. You just have to prove it to us before you can read our titillating tales.

I also may or may not struggle with a tinge (update: Mr. B corrected my word usage to avalanche. Whatevs.) of anxiety and putting pictures up of our wee ones caused that tinge (ahem) to burn a bit. There are some creeps out there who I'd rather not be handed full access of our family pictures and history.

Thanks so much for understanding!

My hope for this blog is to be a documentation of our little family's little  story. Our ordinary days of school at home, spending time with family and friends, with each other; our extraordinary days of adventure (sometimes those may or may not include treks through the mountains of dishes and laundry that organically appear overnight in our house); and little commentaries on beautiful devotions and traditions of the Faith (of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic variety, that is) that our family embraces and loves.


  1. Personally, I think that every once in awhile, your lives ARE fascinating, we DID miss your other bogs, you ARE a great write who makes me laugh and think and you take some amazing pictures.... but if ease of use is your reason for starting a new blog, I'm all for it!

  2. Replies
    1. You only say that because you're jealous abandoned your blog. Geek. PS. Re-start it so I have something to read. Thanks ever so much. -Mel

  3. Look at you, It is beautiful, LOVE IT!!!

    1. Why Mother, why ever would think of saying such a nice compliment? It was nothing! It took no time at all! :-D
